とても仲の良い友達(Chook Sakamoto San)が私たち(生徒 )にたくさんのおいしい卵を送ってくれました。 誰が卵を欲しがっているのですか? おいしい卵が欲しければ、イアン先生に電話してこう言ってください:
“ Hey Ian! I am calling you because I would like some delicious eggs, please “. お電話をお待ちしております。
My very good friend ( Chook Sakamoto San ) sent us ( students ) many delicious eggs. Who would like some eggs? If you would like some delicious eggs, please call Ian Sensei and say the following:
“ Hey Ian! I am calling you because I would like some delicious eggs, please “. I look forward to your call!